Flight Safety Foundation

About Flight Safety Foundation
Since 1947, Flight Safety Foundation has helped save lives around the world. The Foundation is an international non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide impartial, independent, expert safety guidance and resources for the aviation and aerospace industry.

AeroSafety World Magazine
 AeroSafety World, published monthly since 2006, offers in-depth analysis of important safety issues facing the industry, along with an emphasis on timely news coverage.  Each monthly edition also contains an ONRECORD section that provides both a table of information regarding recent accidents and incidents and an awareness of problems that might, based on final reports by official investigative authorities, be avoided in the future.  

Earlier Flight Safety Foundation Publications
Before combining them into AeroSafety World in 2006, the Flight Safety Foundation, variously published seven individualized aviation safety periodicals, as detailed below.  Follow the URL links below to access these earlier publication:

Accident Prevention

Airport Operations

Aviation Mechanics Bulletin

Cabin Crew Safety

Flight Safety Digest

Helicopter Safety

Human Factors and Aviation Medicine

Since 1947, Flight Safety Foundation has helped save lives around the world. The Foundation is an international non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide impartial, independent, expert safety guidance and resources for the aviation and aerospace industry.